Product Feedback
Hey Gary,
Keith Mayers here, just wanted to say thanks again for the great stop. This season is starting off great! I have
been to 5 races this year. First was a 5K 1/8 mi bracket. The only reason I went was I needed to test for the
beginning of the year. I set up for 5.40 and ran it all day. We got into night and decided to split the pot at 4
cars. Then I ran the divisional at Virginia down to 4 again. Our Massa series race was next where I got semi's
again on Sat. then on Sunday a win! Taking that momentum into the NHRA Sourther Nats. I was able to pull of
another win! Did you get to see it on TV?
Thanks again,
Keith Mayers
Hi Gary,
Haven't talked to you since last season. Here is how this year is going. I have won 30 consecutive rounds and
still counting, this includes, Atco NJ .90 race, NHRA Southern Nationals, Atlanta, GA, NHRA division 1 race at
Maple Grove PA, NHRA div 1 race at Numidia PA and both top 8 races! I want to thank you again for the great
I want to thank you again for the great stop.
Keith Mayers
I spoke with you last Monday about an issue I was having with my throttle stop acting like it was not opening and
I was in desperation mode getting ready for the Fall Nationals in Ennis. Just wanted to say thank you for the
advice and expertise as everyhing you told me to do worked. We were not only able to finally get the car to run on
the throttle stop but hoisted my first national event wally because of your help. So thank you for that, you have
a #1 stop customer for as long as I am .90 racing.
Max McGlothin
Heathens Racing
Mad Max Production
3x Division 4 Champion
Hi Gary,
Just a little more feedback. I tried a couple of converters over the past two weeks, I found a 9" spragless that
works great for me. It was exactly like my 8" leaves hard pulls to 7600rpm+ so after a few passes with it I
decided I was jumping out a little too far, leaving @4800 .1 out, shift @ .15 so I cut it in half .05 out, shift @
.1. This cut my jump to about 3 feet out instead of around 6-8 feet out. It raised my finish line mph from
10.90@152 to 154 then I was able to stabilize the stop at 3850-4100 at 4.10 sec duration and got 156 mph, nice! So
we ran our last .90 series race this weekend and everyhting was very stable and repeastable. I won the final race
and my 3rd championship. I love this new stop and it has proven itself to me, a little more stable while down low
in rpm and helped with the mph also.
Thanks again,
Keith Mayers
#1 Stop Products
8403 W. Ridgeway
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Enclosed is my throttle stop from a lot of years of use. I would like to convert it to air on/off and have you
look closely at the rest of the unit. If it needs to be rebuilt, go ahead and do it. I can't say enough good about
your products, I have used this stop for a long time, I went to a disc last year and hated it, so I'm going back
to your stuff for good.
I am also a Don Davis dealer and will recommend your products to my customers.
Thanks again for the quick turn around.
Mark M. Schmidt
MDS, Inc./Don Davis Race Cars
Indianpolis, IN
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for having such a great product. Back in May I talked with you about
changing my Electric setup to an Air setup. My car has been unbelievable this year on the throttle stop and I
can't thank you enough. I just recently won the IHRA Super Rod World Championship and the IHRA Summit Allstars
Race with your product. Without my Number 1 Stop there is no way my car would have been as consistent.
Thanks Again,
Cameron Manuel
2010 IHRA Super Rod World Champion
I have been wanting to tell you how good of a product you have for some time now. So here it goes. Way back in
1994 I bought a #1 Stop from you, it was a four blade electric stop. I quickly became a contender, using a 396 in
a 1979 Trans Am in the NHRA Super Street Class, I would run about 10.50's perfect for the 10.90 class. I got the
first win in 1995 at the NHRA Div 1 race at Cecil Co.
Now it was time for a change, I built a 1985 Porsche with a 427 Chevy and the same stop, I followed with 2 NHRA
National event r-ups. I soon switched to IHRA racing and won the div #1 championship.
I found myself wanting to go faster so I bought a 540" engine for the Porche, now I needed to open the stop
slower, so I sent it back to you and you added an air on, air off cylinder. This worked very well and in 2005, I
won my first IHRA national event, then another and several divisionals, this ended in my first IHRA World
Now in 2010 I find myself in the same position, with a big #1 on the car, yes, now 2x World Champion. This is with
the SAME throttle stop purchased all those years ago! I have never had anything this long and still be so
reliable. I have always suggested your stop for those interested in index class racing. #1 Stop is the only stop
to have if you want undeniable repeatability and as you can see I have been very happy with mine.
Again, thank you or such a great product.
Keith Mayers

Keith has now changed to Hi-Velocity and has continued his winning ways in SIST. 2022 National Events
4 Wide Nationals R/V
New England Nationals
2022 Division Point races
Cedar County Win
Maple Grove Win
Lebanon Valley Win
Division S/ST Champion

Trevor Larson S/C win at division 6 Points Race at Yellowstone
2023 S/G NHRA World Champion